Page name: Orinthos Territory [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-08-17 14:43:57
Last author: Vou
Owner: Vou
# of watchers: 7
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D20: 16
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The forest belonging to Orinthos still seeks justice.

This forest has not healed as it's family has in the Niveus territory. You can still smell the faint irony blood which is only found in the veins of a wolf.
The forest is green, but is not vibrant. It seems to have taken on a life of it's own and wishes to seek vengeance against
the wolves' who dared spill blood onto their precious floors. . .

Roleplay here.

Back to The Wolves of Karn.

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2007-08-08 [Lin-tastic]: You really need to get a bio for Warh, XD

2007-08-08 [Sharky87]: I I'm..working on I can say this;He's darn tall and muscular..he's got black spikey hair and bloodred eyes..;)

2007-08-08 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: OOooooo! ^ ^ lol

2007-08-08 [Lin-tastic]: ^_^ wow.

2007-08-08 [Sharky87]: I like bloodred eyes! XD

2007-08-08 [Lin-tastic]: -nods- If she didn't like him, it'd be scary...XD

2007-08-08 [Sharky87]: XD

2007-08-08 [Lin-tastic]: -nods-

2007-08-08 [Lin-tastic]: Hmm...I think you slipped up a little what with gender confusion, missy. ^_^" lol

2007-08-08 [Sharky87]: I did? Uuups.. XD I'm used to playing XD
Goodnight! ^_^

2007-08-09 [Lin-tastic]: -nods and waves- G'night!

2007-08-10 [Sharky87]: Uuups..silly me thought Pyro was an enemy.. XD

2007-08-10 [Erubeus]: xD

2007-08-10 [AdeloriaAshcroft]: I just couldn't help myself >.<

2007-08-11 [Erubeus]: > Dude, honestly, you just left your group back at the falls

2007-08-12 [Lin-tastic]: ...what? I'm confused...

2007-08-13 [Vou]: Dun dun dun... Vatheris is in Danger Zone now. <3

2007-08-13 [Erubeus]: No doubt..

2007-08-13 [Vou]: I'm excited about how Hern and Vatheris will interact. XD

2007-08-13 [Erubeus]: You're excited about collar shopping.. you are easily excited..

2007-08-13 [Lin-tastic]: But she's fun when she's excited! XD

2007-08-13 [Erubeus]: Oh, you don't know the half of it...

2007-08-13 [Vou]: XD

2007-08-13 [Lin-tastic]: Wow...would you recomend knowing the half of it? XD Strange play on words, that is.

2007-08-13 [Erubeus]: Must go and put my puppy to sleep.. She actually stops crying when I pick her up.. I feel loved.. xD

2007-08-13 [Vou]: Aw.. <3

2007-08-13 [Lin-tastic]: So sweet! How old is your puppy? Do you have a picture of her?

2007-08-14 [Vou]: I like Warh. XD

2007-08-14 [Sharky87]: XD lol..

2007-08-14 [Vou]: He's hilarious.

2007-08-14 [Sharky87]: XD

2007-08-14 [Vou]: TT
I wish Niveus was as active as you guys. XD

2007-08-14 [Sharky87]: heh.. XD

2007-08-14 [Erubeus]: Yes, she is on my page, Candy..

2007-08-14 [Erubeus]: I so love Pyro right now..

2007-08-14 [AdeloriaAshcroft]: He is pretty awesome XD

2007-08-14 [Erubeus]: He's a pervert just like meh!

2007-08-14 [AdeloriaAshcroft]: And like me! O.o I mean >.> YEAH! Thats not right Athen! Bad Athen! BAD!

2007-08-14 [Erubeus]: Nuu!

2007-08-14 [AdeloriaAshcroft]: *Huggles Athen* NOW! If Phanty gets back, we can continue =^.^=

2007-08-14 [Erubeus]: She'll be gone for a little while maybe..

2007-08-14 [AdeloriaAshcroft]: ZOMG! ATHEN! That had me rofling quite litteraly O.o that was -funny!-

2007-08-14 [Erubeus]: xD I know

2007-08-14 [Erubeus]: We're going to stop and wait for [Vou] now.

2007-08-14 [Sharky87]: okies.. ^_^

2007-08-14 [AdeloriaAshcroft]: =^.^= Mrow!

2007-08-15 [Lin-tastic]: ...^_^" Athen, she's adorable! And I apologize for not being on to post at all...v.v I've been busy with swim practice starting up already.

2007-08-16 [Lin-tastic]: FYI: It's hard to post when you're not online and havne't been on enough to stay...every few posts and all.

2007-08-16 [Vou]: Dude... O.o;;

2007-08-16 [Lin-tastic]: What?

2007-08-16 [Vou]: ;shrugs; I dunno. I forgot why I put that. XD

2007-08-17 [Lin-tastic]: -nods-

2007-08-17 [Lin-tastic]: -waits for others to pose- Hmm-mm-mm-mmm...-hums some more-

2007-08-17 [silent_voice]: PEOPLE CAN I GET A FUCKING POST IN!?

2007-08-17 [Lin-tastic]: Yeah, I know how that feels...but at least there's no one liners. -shrugs-

2007-08-17 [Lin-tastic]: Please don't get too far without me! I gotta go to bed...<.< stupid parents...

2007-08-17 [Vou]: X-x

2007-08-17 [Lin-tastic]: -waits for Silent to post-

2007-08-17 [Sharky87]: (sorry for the one liner! But I really had nothing else to write.... dont kill me, please..XD)

2007-08-17 [Vou]: Alright guys, no more posting until Silent gets here to post for Hern

2007-08-18 [Lin-tastic]: But I'm already waiting...

2007-08-18 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: Please!!!!! Don't write so much when I'm at school!

2007-08-18 [Vou]: C: I'm trying to keep it slower... I mean, everyone is on this page. o.o

2007-08-18 [silent_voice]: hehe//// hern win!

2007-08-18 [Sharky87]: Okies! It's sooo much to read all the time! I'll lose half of the story.. XD

2007-08-18 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: I know! Right!

2007-08-18 [silent_voice]: ah righto

2007-08-18 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: Now Hern gloats? ^ ^

2007-08-18 [silent_voice]: but of course!


2007-12-01 [Atayemi]: Hmmm..? O.o

2007-12-01 [Vou]: Talking to everyone else.> D:

2007-12-01 [Atayemi]: Ooh. :P

2007-12-16 [Atayemi]: Hmm, shall I post once more here or make a line in the den and post there? :P

2007-12-16 [Vou]: We can post there, now. ^_^

2007-12-16 [Atayemi]: Okie!

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